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Latest Updates of Pak-Crypt Challenge
Dear All, thanks for participation in Round-1 of Pak-Crypt Challenge. To know if you have qualified for Round 2 or not, please check the following links:1) Datebase for Qualified Participants (Amateurs): https://bit.ly/pc23amo
2) Database for Qualified Participants (Professionals): https://bit.ly/pc23pro
3) Qualifiers are instructed to go through the Instructions (PDF) for Round 2 and note down your Pak-Crypt ID from the Database. Instructions are:
-Instructions for Amateurs participants
-Instructions for Professionals participants
Pak-Crypt-2023 is focused to the problems relevant to Cryptography and its applications.
Eligibility Criteria
Any Pakistani national having interest in these areas except Government and R&D department officials.
Pak-Crypt23 will be completed in three independent rounds; details are as follows.
Round 1: Registration and Screening (1st Oct 2023 - 7th November 2023)
The first round is open to all Pakistani nationals. It involves a registration process coupled with a screening test. The registration process collects basic information about candidates, while the test serves as an entry-level filter. Top qualifiers from Round 1 will be announced by the end of October and invited to compete in the second round.
Round 2: Online Competition (17th Nov 2023 - 19th Nov 2023)
The second round of PakCrypt will be conducted online. It is planned to take place within the first half of November. Participants who qualify from Round 1 will have the opportunity to display their skills and compete against other talented individuals. The qualifiers of Round 2 will be given opportunity to register for Round 3 as a team of 1-2 persons (both of whom must be Round 3 qualified). Note that prizes will be equally shared among winning team members.
Round 3: On-Campus Final (6th Dec 2023 - 7th Dec 2023)
The final round of PakCrypt 2023 will be held on campus at NCCS, Air University, Islamabad. The top teams from the previous rounds will compete for the prize and prestige.
total Prizes (Worth 1.3 Million)
• Winner Team (P) 1st = 3 Lacs
Team (P) 2nd = 2 Lacs
Team (p) 3rd= 1 lacs
• Winner Team (A) 1st = 2 Lacs
Winner Team (A) 2nd = 1 Lacs
Winner Team (A) 3rd = 50 Thousand
• Other Finalists prices worth 3.5 lacs
NOTE 1: Please download PakCrypt-2023 brochure from HERE
NOTE 2: Please download sample paper for round 1 from here: Sample paper (Round 1)
Click a link below for Registration
Link: Click here for registration
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: For Crypto Corner Fundings and Scholarships Details (BS, MS and PHD students), "CLICK HERE"